This is good, since we need to address the mixing of namespaces, like embedding SVG in XHTML.
Mozilla SVG uses this prefix already.
MenTaLguY wrote:
FYI, now that things are sort of quiescent, I'm going to start on disambiguating the SVG and null namespaces, as I have threatened to do in the past.
This means that (internally) we'll start using the svg: prefix to refer to SVG element names. "g" will become "svg:g" etc. Probably we will hide the "svg:" prefix in the XML editor though.
Important things to remember:
this only affects the way we name elements, not attributes -- attribute names should remain unchanged as most standard SVG attributes are supposed to be in the null namespace (except for the xlink: ones)
only elements in the SVG namespace will be affected; the remainder are already named unambiguously
there is no inherent relationship between prefixes and namespaces; for practical reasons we have enforced one within inkscape, and we rewrite existing prefixes to match this mapping when we load documents