On Mon, 2005-03-28 at 01:44 -0500, Montgomery, Steven S wrote:
Release 0.1 source should be available for download on Sourceforge.
Awesome! Is there an announcement that tells us what functionality is working in this version? Where should bugs be submitted? Can you provide a link to the downloads?
I should note that we always have the error about intltool. Inkscape still seemed to work fine, so we didn't think much of it. But I guess rpm is a little more picky...
Oh, and when I try `make distcheck` as suggested, I get 'make: *** No rule to make target `distcheck'. Stop.'
Well, intltool is what manages the translations. So you probably wouldn't notice any errors that were caused by it if you only used Inkboard in English. Sounds like a macro problem, but that would be really weird, probably better to fix distcheck first.
Was distcheck missing on Linux or Windows? I'm not sure if it is supposed to exist in the Windows makefiles. It should be there for Linux.