Quoting bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...>:
Someone's recent change (likely the repr changes by swingincelt) broke preferences loading and saving. Now upon exit, a new <inkscape> element with all its children is nested at the end of
~/.inkscape/preferences.xml instead of replacing the existing <inkscape>. Thus the size of the file grows by 13K on each run of the program, and any changes you make to the prefs are not read
time you run. Please fix ASAP.
If current settings are going to the redundant <inkscape> element(s), that means this things are getting screwed up in the actual loading of the preferences file. That should narrow down the search a bit.
It must be remembering the redundant root node created at that time too -- if it were using XML::Document::getRoot() to find the root node, then the settings would still be going to the initial <inkscape> element.
[ I'm a bit surprised that having the redundant root nodes isn't causing a parse failure, though (it should, IMO)... ]
By the way, have you filed a bug so we can track this?