On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 9:59 PM, Bob Jamison <rwjj@...127...> wrote:
I'll see what patches we need to get printing working well again soon. Maybe we can do the switch to using the new Cairo1.5+ win32_printing_surface in a patch ourselves, rather than wait for Gtk to do it. If so, then maybe a Cairo guy could help us. There ya go. A good opportunity to delegate. :-)
So, can you do a quick build of libs package with this patch?
If you do, I will do whatever testing I can on Windows today/tomorrow.
I have been slightly annoyed recently with the vaguely implied idea that we don't -want- to fix this bug, and that any problems we have with Inkscape must be a symptom of our laziness and disrespect for the user. I can assure people that considerable effort has already been spent on this.
Of course many people deserve highest possible kudos for their hard work. In particular I don't know what we would be doing without your lib packages. Still, we have what we have with this bug, and this should be a wake up call.
I have been hoping that the increased clamoring would be accompanied with increased volunteering. I haven't seen it yet, but Hope Springs Eternal.
You're not right. Just compare the frequency of SVN commits now versus just a year ago. The growth in development is palpable. However, this is one reason that the problem of bugs and regressions is so urgent. We really must do something to address this, such as implement automated testing of at least some aspects. Now that we have all verbs available via command line, I rather wonder why it's not yet done :)