Bryce Harrington wrote:
That said, I think if you wish to merge this branch into main, it would be wisest to make your code only relies on a released version of lib2geom (which may mean working to get a release of lib2geom.)
Such a requirement is going to force lib2geom to release new versions weekly or even more rapidly. :-) I think requiring a stable version of lib2geom for a release version of Inkscape is a great idea but at the current moment requiring a stable version of lib2geom for a development version of Inkscape is impractical at this point in its development. I'm pretty sure we could get a new stable release of lib2geom today if we needed it. But I imagine that stable release will soon be too old for Inkscape's needs. My vote is for merging and requiring a lib2geom from svn trunk and publishing and updating the minimum necessary revision in the wiki. The projects need to push each other right now. Perhaps in a month we will be ready to require a stable version of lib2geom.
Aaron Spike