Hi all, I added a new .cpp file in the ' ...\inkscape\src\ui\dialog ' directory.
For reference I was using the fill-and-stroke.cpp for creating a GUI for my code. I named the tool say 'XYZ'. Upon compiling XYZ.cpp along with inkscape the following errors cropped up:
Make error line 301: problem compiling: src/ui/dialog/xyz.cpp:31:1: error: 'XYZ' does not name a type.
Can someone help me in understanding why this cropped up ? I am deriving a class of the name XYZ under the UI->Inkscape->Dialog namespace.
Also, in fill-and-stroke.cpp:
FillAndStroke::FillAndStroke() : UI::Widget::Panel ("", "/dialogs/fillstroke", SP_VERB_DIALOG_FILL_STROKE), _page_fill(Gtk::manage(new UI::Widget::NotebookPage(1, 1, true, true))), _page_stroke_paint(Gtk::manage(new UI::Widget::NotebookPage(1, 1, true, true))), _page_stroke_style(Gtk::manage(new UI::Widget::NotebookPage(1, 1, true, true))), _composite_settings(SP_VERB_DIALOG_FILL_STROKE, "fillstroke", UI::Widget::SimpleFilterModifier::BLUR), deskTrack(), targetDesktop(0), fillWdgt(0), strokeWdgt(0), desktopChangeConn()
What do the highlighted text accomplish ?