On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 00:57 -0300, bulia byak wrote:
I have committed the patch by Ulf Erikson that adds native PDF export (based on PS export code). It has many limitations but at least it's better than what we have now, because it does not require Ghostscript and, most importantly, handles transparency. Complex illustrations, such as this one:
I've tried to use this in the lastest SVN. I get an "Inkscape encountered an internal error and will close now." message. Running under gdb I get:
*** glibc detected *** /home/tavmjong/sandbox/bin/inkscape: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: 0x0b9fa47c ***
Output of 'where':
#0 0x0014e402 in __kernel_vsyscall () #1 0x00194069 in raise () from /lib/libc.so.6 #2 0x00195671 in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6 #3 0x001c8a4b in __libc_message () from /lib/libc.so.6 #4 0x001d34f0 in free () from /lib/libc.so.6 #5 0x07f21fe1 in operator delete () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 #6 0x083768d5 in PdfFile::end_page (this=0xba1f1f8, page=0xba243c0) at extension/internal/pdf-mini.h:315 #7 0x083771f6 in Inkscape::Extension::Internal::PrintPDF::finish (this=0xa037130, mod=0xa037878) at extension/internal/pdf.cpp:428 #8 0x08366b38 in Inkscape::Extension::Print::finish (this=0xa037878) at extension/print.cpp:60 #9 0x0837b30a in Inkscape::Extension::Internal::PdfOutput::save (this=0xa037618, mod=0xa036910, doc=0xa088f00, uri=0xb9e2018 "/home/tavmjong/Desktop/test.pdf") at extension/internal/pdf-out.cpp:68 #10 0x08365214 in Inkscape::Extension::Output::save (this=0xa036910, doc=0xa088f00, uri=0xb9e2018 "/home/tavmjong/Desktop/test.pdf") at extension/output.cpp:232 #11 0x083638fd in Inkscape::Extension::save (key=0xa036910, doc=0xa088f00, filename=0xb87f4e0 "/home/tavmjong/Desktop/test.pdf", setextension=true, check_overwrite=true, official=true) at extension/system.cpp:251 #12 0x080794ea in file_save (doc=0xa088f00, uri=0xb87f4e0 "/home/tavmjong/Desktop/test.pdf", key=0xa036910, saveas=true) at file.cpp:548
My gdb skills are rather rusty but if more info is needed I can try to provide it.