2016-02-20 9:23 GMT-08:00 alvinpenner <penner@...1856...>:
I see that the SVG 2 spec contains a new property called miter-clip. https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/painting.html#LineJoin
Just wondering whether Inkscape, or any other renderers, are going to implement this, or have already implemented it?
Not that I know of.
We use Cairo for rendering, so there would first need to be support in Cairo for this, and I'm not aware of anyone working on this at the moment. Alternatively, if we ever implement reliable stroke-to-path, we can rely on that instead and use only Cairo fills.
Another option would be to use Skia, which has a very good OpenGL rendering backend. However, there are no releases of Skia, and the recommended way of using it in a project is to include it as a Git submodule; if we do that, we might exceed the Travis CI build time limit.
Best regards, Krzysztof