bulia byak wrote:
On 4/17/05, aaron@...749... <aaron@...749...> wrote:
There are, however, probably a few reasons to hold off. I haven't figured out how to write an inx file that works on Windows and Linux. So as they are the effects only work on Linux. I'm not sure exactly what is required for the scripts to run, at least Python and PyXML. If extensions are by definition optional, you might not want to include them directly.
So what is the status of extensions on Windows? Does anyone know?
If the problem is only the requirement to have Python, maybe we can ship a Python interpreter with Inkscape windows package?
For more information on using effects under windows read this recent thread. http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=7026534&forum_id=... http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=7034538&forum_id=...
Ted suggested that the INX files should supply the name of the appropriate interpreter. I think the Extension and Dependency classes need to be made aware of the path in which the associated extension was found. Both of these things probably need to happen before things will be really smooth and crossplatform. This is not to say that extensions built with scripts don't work well on Windows. It all works excellently. It is just a little more work to make Inkscape call a script properly on Windows.
I don't think it should be necessary to ship an interpreter. Python is terribly simple to install on Windows.
Aaron Spike