/inkscape $ grep python26 **/*.* # with Bash globstar extension CMakeScripts/Install.cmake:258: ${DEVLIBS_PATH}/python/python26.dll
Might be there: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/inkscape/trunk/view/head:/CMakeScr... Means there should be no difference here between 32 and 64-bit maybe.
Le 02/09/2016 à 17:54, LucaDC a écrit :
When compiling the 32 bit version of lp:inkscape/0.92.x (rev 15067, devlibs rev 63) under Windows 7 64 bit with cmake, I get 'mingw32-make install' stopping because it cannot find devlibs/python/python26.dll and, in fact, in the devlibs directory there is python27.dll since commit 62 (13/05/2016). I still haven't learned the cmake mechanics so I don't have the foggiest idea on where to look to correct this. Thanks.