On 8/10/05, Hendrik-Jan Heins <hjh@...932...> wrote:
I created these packages. I think you do have a very good point about the naming convention. However, I am not sure whether I can just use "mdk" as Mandriva does on the packages, as that could create some confusion about where they came from. As fas as I could find out, Mandriva itself (and people who are in some ways affiliated) use this extension.
I think something like *-mandriva-<version>-* would be the best.
I suppose that the static builds could be used in any distro that can handle .rpm files. However Mandriva uses a menu (like Debian's menu), and as far as I know, the static packages don't contain a menu entry that the .hjh packages do have.
Well, the rule of thumb is, try to improve the static rpms first. If you can add the Mandriva menu entry to static rpms in such a way that it does not break other distros, I think you should do that. Only if that is impossible, you can think about creating a distro-specific rpm.
Also, I did build a x86_64 versoin of inkscape, actually I began with that, as that didn't exist yet, and people were asking for it (especially at Mandriva sites and fora).
I think that a static rpm for x86_64 would certainly be good to have - and more useful than Mandriva-only x86_64 rpm. However I don't know much about rpms so I would welcome comments from someone more knowledgeable (Kees?).