I've been busy creating my first extention for inkscape which is also my first python script. Though it needs some work we use it allready and it's is quite usefull.
Its called "Publish Zip" and resides in the filters menu. It does the following:
- it copies all linked images to the current dir en modifies all links to be relative
- it creates a zip containing the document and the linked images.
The zip can be mailed and opened by someone else with all images correctly displayed.
You can find it here: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1364270&gro...
known problems: - Document has to be saved first
- to create a correct svg-document in the zipfile pubzip has to be run, then the document has to be saved, then pubzip has to be run again.
- it fails with an ugly error when document is never saved before.
Unknown problems: - only tested on Linux/Debian PPC
To solve the known problems I've a question: Is there a possibility to give a "save doc" command from inside a python script to inkscape? This would fix all above problems. If someone has another solution to solve these problems please tell me.
Also another question: Is it possible to put an extention function in the File Menu next to e.g. "Save as"?
Regards, Pim Snel