On Mar 21, 2008, at 1:12 PM, Jasper van de Gronde wrote:
Also a while back I did a custom test reporter for it that did output in a standard XML format that Bryce wanted. That might be another thing to look at leveraging.
That's a good idea, especially as I want to integrate the results and publish them on-line. Do you still have any working code lying around for writing to the aforementioned XML format?
Yes. That should still be in there and live.
TRPIFormatter.h has the one that does the TRPI XML format (or a slightly extended version).
Once you have the info in some form of XML, it's usually easy to convert it to other xml using xslt.
Oh, and it looks like I did some "Pylog" formatter also. PylogFormatter.h
They are hooked up in "make check" to create test-all.xml and test- all.log