On 25/04/06, Michael Wybrow <mjwybrow@...1047...> wrote:
On Mon, 24 Apr 2006, Ben Fowler wrote:
A few weeks ago I mentioned that I had a small patch to the script (I think that it should delete incomplete bundles and images before starting the build operation), intending to ask for a review, ...
I'm probably the best person to look at the patch, since I've been the most heavily involved with writing/fixing the OS X packaging code.
Back in April, I was working on OS X packaging, and whilst not entirely back up-to-date, I have finished a substantial tranche on 'distcheck' and I am back on the osx-app.sh.
One thing that I don't understand is where the 'inkscape.mo' (locale) files come from. They are in your package, but not mine. I don't see them in the /usr/local/share directory or the build tree, they don't seem to be created by 'make install'. I think that I can see a rsync step that copies them into the bundle, but it appears to copy from a directory that I don't have.
Hidden in plain view!
Grateful for any hint as to where I should be looking oe what I should be doing to achieve the construction of this part of the bundle. Otherwise I think that I am doing O.K. at the moment.
I think that there are some UI issues on the Mac - should I raise these now, or leave them till the next version?
It would be nice to have a plan for a UB, but if this cannot be achieved in this release it might be best to leave it over and concentrate on matters that we know we can get done.
It would be good to have a release or at least an FC for July 22nd, the date of Lug Radio Live.