Am 27.06.2018 um 17:05 schrieb Jabier Arraiza:
Seems the problem for https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/1748759
Exactly, I remembered filing that bug but did not have the time to reply yet.
As Tav noted and I also concluded in my report from back then fixing the inverted y-axis avoids the issue in most cases as that's usually when the transform is added to the root layer.
Apart from that I'm not sure removing a root level transform is always what's desired as it requires propagating the transform down to all children, which has downsides of its own, e.g. rounding errors (that's also why I initially suggested to do that only if the layer is empty). Maybe we could introduce a separate action to remove transforms from all containers and apply them to their respective children? I could imagine that could come in handy in other scenarios as well and gives the user the choice wether to apply transforms or not.
Regards, Patrick