On 10/11/05, mental@...3... <mental@...3...> wrote:
I think it is fairly likely that Inkscape will end up cannibalizing Xara; code flow is likely to be mostly one-way because the Xara folks have introduced extra barriers to contributing code on their side (particularly if they want copyright assignment).
I'm not so sure of that. If they went that far, it would be silly of them not to work out something acceptable with licensing. As Mike said, it's just an agreement among people, and they do look like willing to reach an agreement.
Overall, I can't help feeling very positive about this whole thing. I love it that their motivation - to create the best vector editor on Earth - is exactly the same as mine. And no matter which of our two programs gobbles the other, we now have significantly better chances of reaching that goal than we did yesterday. As for increased competition for Inkscape, I agree with Mental that this is healthy. Besides, personally I always perceived Xara as our closest competitor (hence my comparison efforts at http://wiki.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Xara_X, which now suddenly become much more relevant), so this is not much of a shock for me. I'm prepared for this competition :)
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org