On 11/22/05, Steven P. Ulrick <lists-inkscape@...1052...> wrote:
Hello, Ben I wasn't going to reply to any more emails on this subject, but after I read the one this is in reply to, I could not resist.
- For whatever reason, when I installed intltool 0.33, Inkscape
finally compiled for the first time in weeks. Whether one is supposed to need Intltool at all to compile Inkscape from CVS, I don't know, but what I do know is that before I upgraded to Intltool 0.33, Inkscape would not compile. And that as soon as I did upgrade to Intltool 0.33, Inkscape compiled successfully. There is no question about these facts.
That is fine; Fedora is not my platform and intltool is not something I have deep knowledge of, but with that in mind it looks a little as though we might want to add a stanza to the README noting that intltool
= 0.31 is recommended.
Thank you for your detective work here.