On 22/11/09 17:58, ~suv wrote:
[1] Inkscape 0.46 crash with 'FcStrListCreate'
That crash looks like a known issue to me - I can search the bug number if needed, the fix could be necessary on two levels. first try this: 1) clear the user font cache (rm ~/.fontconfig/*) 2) restart Inkscape if that doesn't fix it, you have to edit the font configuration file inside the 0.46 app bundle, I'll post a follow-up with instructions and the link to the corresponding bug report.
A) conflict with Macports
Bug #400165 “Binary Inkscape dist crashes when MacPorts is installed”: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/400165
Issue: incompatible fontcaches in '/opt/local/var/cache/fontconfig' - a conflict between the bundled fontconfig libraries in Inkscape 0.46 and recently installed MacPorts fontconfig versions.
Fix: modify the Inkscape 0.46 bundle from sf.net: edit the font configuration file 'Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/etc/fonts/fonts.conf' to remove the following line: <cachedir>/opt/local/var/cache/fontconfig</cachedir>
Note: The same conflicts happens with Inkscape 0.46-3 Tiger on OS X 10.4.11 if fontconfig is installed via MacPorts (see bug #183322 comments 7-14). Modifying 'fonts.conf' as described in comment 4 fixes the issue. https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/183322 comments #7-14
B) conflict with newer Xquartz
Bug #415900 “0.46 not starting on MacOSX 10.5.8 X11 2.4.0”: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/415900
Issue: same conflict as in bug #400165, but seems to happen after installing an upgraded version of X11/Xquartz that also includes newer versions of fontconfig.
Fix: clear the user font cache rm ~/.fontconfig/* and restart Inkscape 0.46, be patient because it can take a while until the fontcaches are re-created.
hth, ~suv