On 7/15/05, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
On 7/15/05, Joshua Blocher <verbalshadow@...400...> wrote:
> Are the tool Cursors customisable like the Tool Icons?
> If so do the use the same SVG file?
> What do i set there ID's too?
No, unfortunately, cursors are quite different. They are stored in
src/pixmaps in bitmap format. No SVG, no antialiasing, b/w only. It is
however still possible to improve them, and we need to make cursors
for those tools that still don't have them (pen/pencil/calligraphic),
so any help is welcome.
To install them, I think you need to add/replace the files in that
directory, make sure the c++ files reference them correctly, and
bulia byak
Inkscape. Draw Freely.
Oh. ok. I'll start on b/w pen/pencil/calligraphic cursors (yuck). it
might be awhile as my gimp skill aren't upto snuff. ( what can i say i
hate drawing pixels )
josh blocher
aka verbalshadow