I believe new command line options should be added to be able to control that there.
Requiring to change the settings via the UI to influence the command line output sounds quite confusing.


On 8 January 2015 at 00:08, mathog <mathog@...1176...> wrote:
On 07-Jan-2015 14:14, Diego Nuñez wrote:
> Hi!
> I have tested the export from svg to emf (in windows) using the GUI and
> I
> noticed a checkbox for exporting the texts as paths. This checkbox is
> by
> default checked, so as I didn't want that configuration I have
> unchecked it
> and the export worked like a charm.
> When I tried the same from command line by typing
> inkscape svgBasicChart.svg --export-emf=svgBasicChart.emf
> the export performed had the texts exported as paths, but I didn't find
> any
> option to avoid that from command line as I found in the GUI.
> Is this option available in any way for command line?

The EMF export settings should "stick" from the GUI, at least they do on
linux.  On linux:

inkscape #interactive, turn that option off, then exit
inkscape svgBasicChart.svg --export-emf=svgBasicChart.emf

the emf produced should have text instead of paths.  If you leave the
interactive one open and then run the command line in another window I
don't know what will happen.  It might not save the settings until the
program exits.


David Mathog
Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech

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