In the emf print virtual methods the current transform is pulled out with:
Geom::Affine tf = m_tr_stack.top();
Is the stack supposed to hold the final transform, or just the stack of partial transforms?
For instance, for this bug:
the text SVG has a set of nested transforms, and the top only returns the inner one. The problem can be worked around by ungrouping everything, which seems to replace the serial transformations with a single one for each object. Otherwise it seems the proper action is to multiply down the transform stack to find the final complete transform operation.
It looks like the stack is "fed" by the ::bind method, but that just moves the question out a bit, as that method has a call argument which is itself a transform. (Unfortunately "bind" is a common string in this code, so grep was not very helpful in locating whatever it is that calls the [virtual] ::bind method.)
Thank you,
David Mathog mathog@...1176... Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech