taraben.a@...50... wrote:
Hi Bob,
thanks for your work.
I still have some issues to the build proccess. I use Win2k and latest MingW.
- On my system there is no deltree.
- mkdir using make does not work
mkdir inkscape process_begin: CreateProcess((null), mkdir inkscape, ...) failed. make (e=2): Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. mingw32-make: *** [dist] Error 2 3. The copy command including star (copy samples*.svg inkscape\samples) Does not work: copy samples*.svg inkscape\samples copy: samples*.svg: No such file or directory mingw32-make: *** [dist] Error 1
- the first command in dist should not deltree, this is an issue for
clean. I recommend to remove that line and add parameter /Y to all the xcopy's 2. I prefer to have a $(CP) $(RM) etc. variables
Best regards,
Here is an update. According to your suggestions, I have modifed the makefiles extensively. They sense the machine type and use the appropriate commands. I have tested them on Linux, XP, and Win98. You might want to give them a try.