bulia byak wrote:
On 12/21/05, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...533...> wrote:
I'd like to add something that ties into both the resizeable stuff and the scroll orientation. I think it would be excellent if the swatch panel could also break off like the toolbars.
Do you really ever use the toolbars torn-off?
If they would stay on top on win32 and Gnome in fullscreen mode, I would most definitely have the toolbox floating if nothing else. That's one of the very few things I miss from Illustrator. And you know those mini toolbars I brought up... man oh man would my interface be cluttered with all of those floating around too. :-) When I get into really detailed work the last thing I want to do is have to move my cursor far from where I'm working. In Inkscape, other than B, N, and Spacebar, I use the mouse to switch tools. In fact, go to http://www.scislac.com/ai.jpg to see what my AI interface is like... and yes, that's two sets of the same toolbar at the bottom left and top right of the page... I always just go for whichever is closer. So, if Gnome and Win32 GTK get fixed, I will.
My thought is that way it could be running horizontal across the bottom, running vertical down the side of the document,
Vertical placement on the side would be good to have, certainly, if only for the "list" option.
Ahhh, I wasn't even thinking of that and it sounds even better now! On my complex documents I have so many similar colors that having them named will definitely be useful for me. Perhaps we could even have a function to collect all colors in a current document to a swatch set (at which point I could name them).
just a big square of swatches floating on-canvas (for the Illustrator users),
Ctrl+Shift+W :)
Heh... guess I was thinking that would be removed in favor of a more robust toolbar/swatch box.