Quoting Alan Horkan <horkana@...44...>:
In response to mental my alternative was not to save the new centre points across sessions (I think the extra step might not really be necessary) avoiding the need for custom markup but still providing the desired functionality.
...when the desired functionality was explicitly identified as remembering the centre points across sessions?
Quoting Alan Horkan <horkana@...44...>:
The other suggestion would be to use the OpenDocument Draw namespace to support (things like additional gradient types) until such time as the SVG includes more of what is needed.
Please don't post any more on this particular topic until you can explain why your suggestion would directly violate the SVG standard.
Quoting Alan Horkan <horkana@...44...>:
If I better understood what you were trying to do I'd be more likely to accept it than to keep challanging you to explain what seem like minor decisions but could have a larger long term impact.
You do not give the appearance of making an effort to understand.
Repeatedly, you make sweeping criticisms based on faulty technical assumptions, couched in offensive ways, and when pressed for suggestions propose actions whose consequences you have obviously not bothered to understand or even consider.
Perhaps you're simply very impetuous, but this behavior often gives the appearance of trolling and is very tiresome.
I'm not going to killfile you as some others already have, but I'm not going to dignify future posts with a response except where you demonstrate an understanding of the technical issues involved.
As a positive example, I think your recent post regarding the "Horiz." and "Vert." labels was concise, relatively non-confrontational, and demonstrated an understanding of the relevent issues.