Am 15.01.2018 um 01:51 schrieb Maren Hachmann:
Am 14.01.2018 um 13:52 schrieb Eduard Braun:
so a "copy+paste"-like section in the Wiki with the basic git commands tailored to work for the Inkscape project might be helpful
There is a Wiki page about git, Eduard - do you think it needs more content (you wrote some of it, so I think you're aware of it)? http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Working_with_Git
The website also has docs: https://inkscape.org/en/develop/getting-started/ https://inkscape.org/en/develop/inkscape-git/
Yes, I'm aware of the Wiki page ;-) Assuming others are too (I hope they are) it seems it is not as helpful as one might hope for, though (otherwise I can't explain the repeating questions on basic git functionality).
The wiki page mainly lists a lot of git commands without much further explanation. The pages on the website only address the question "how do I get the code?" but nothing beyond that.
I can only guess but I assume we might need to explain some typical workflows like - "How do I update my local repository" - "How do I update my fork?" - "How do I get my local copy (with local changes) synced with upstream?" - "How do I checkout a specific MR / remote commit into my own tree?" - "How do I merge my feature branch into master?" along with real world example commands (i.e. full commands including URLs and all necessary parameters to make it actually work). Also explaining some best practices might help, like rebasing, squashing, "pull vs pull --rebase", why merging master should be avoided, etc...
Like a lot of documentation this is on my never ending todo list (or rather the "would be nice to have" list) so I'm not sure if I will get to it eventually (especially given the fact it's not the most rewarding activity and I have a feeling that the most frustrated git users are also those wo chose not to try to hard understanding git to begin with ;-) ).
Best Regards, Eduard