Hi Alexandre e everybody else,
Consta no registro %AP04281 do Livro da Grande Teia que Alexandre, em 04/07/05 escreveu o seguinte:
Last time translation to Brazilian Portuguese was revisioned by Juarez Rudsatz (juarez at correio.com) in July 2004, so I would consider this translation pretty outdated. It's going to keep you busy for several days, however hard you work at it ;)
But I would write a confirmation request to Juarez in the first place, if I were you.
I wrote to him and to another person that was involved on the translation and both of them aren't doing it anymore. So, I'm assuming the Brazilian Portuguese translation of Inkscape. Hope I can organize it until the end of this month, ok?
Frederico ------------------ Linux User #228171 Debian-BR User #434 http://teia.bio.br
"Liberdade, essa palavra que o sonho humano alimenta, que não há ninguém que explique e ninguém que não entenda." (Cecília Meireles)
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