15 Sep
15 Sep
7:59 a.m.
You can vote as an uninformed individual... how do you think we got bush 2 twice here in the US? ;-)
Anyway, yes bzr and lp have some good strengths together.
On Sep 15, 2009 12:44 AM, <J.B.C.Engelen@...1578...> wrote:
I had a quick look at TortoiseBzr. It seems it is under active development, and that it is maturing quickly. It it awesome to see they try to mimic TortoiseSVN (much better than TortoiseCVS). TortoiseGit seems nice too.
Are there perhaps special benefits in using Bzr together with LP? (automatically linking revisions with bug reports perhaps?)
I have no preference (or can I vote SVN?)
Ciao, Johan
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