On Oct 23, 2008, at 10:30 AM, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:17:48AM -0700, Krzysztof Kosi??ski wrote:
Can we start making use of GIO now, or do we have to wait some more until it's more commonplace in Linux distributions?
Should be fine. We're not close to releasing 0.47 so probably by the time we are, it will be there.
I'm not quite sure, since we do want to still keep compatible with non-bleeding-edge where possible.
Krzysztof, it would be good if you could go through the wiki page and add gio as a tracked item, so we can see who we'd be leaving behind.
Also a few questions had come up about its use in the past, but it really wasn't bringing in more that we needed off-hand. It's more like the java nio packages and other higher level functions.