26 May
26 May
6:47 p.m.
Just a side note that inkscape crashes valgrind right now. I believe is is due to the garbage collection libraries. I've tried multiple inkscape and valgrind versions. YMMV.
Using an IDE like Kdevelop, Ajunta, or Eclipse may be helpful. I haven't tried Eclipse with Inkscape though. They can be really helpful with navigating the code, finding where functions are used, debugging, etc.
On 5/26/05, Felix Rabe <xitnalta@...128...> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> As I have some time until July for "doing nothing" a few hours a day ;)
> , I'd like to volunteer for doing something, ie. Inkscape things. I'm
> learning C++ currently (Stroustrup's book). I use Ubuntu Linux on i386
> and did quite some programming using Python and PyGTK in the last few
> months.
> What is needed / do you use aside from cvs, g++ and a text editor? (And
> what text editor, as I used Emacs, tried Vim, and use gedit currently.
> No flamewars please, I'm glad there are so few of them here :o) , just
> "I use editor foo (because ...)".)
> Do you use Valgrind, any test suites, gdb / ddd ... ? Where do I start
> to learn how to use them?
> Also, do you recommend some literature / books, as I did not (and most
> probably will not) study computer science? (I have a "Design Patterns",
> Gamma et al, here.) I have a small budget for good material.
> I also wonder about more exotic things - do you print out code you wrote
> for review (my printer doesn't work atm), do sports, drink coffee (I'm
> not going to do that, just wondering), gather regularly on Jabber -
> anything that might be of interest in terms of a programmer's life and
> how to get / remain productive.
> Thanks for any answers,
> Felix
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