It looks like we've given enough time for finalizing development work, so I'd like to shift us into release mode by entering our Chill phase.
Here's the tasks to focus on now:
Chill. Development focuses on wrapping up. Identify 'make distcheck' issues Triage bug reports Run an About Screen contest First draft of Release Notes. Update tutorials and other docs
Triaging is probably the biggest task ahead of us. I'll try to focus my time on assisting here; I'll try to focus on scripting of bulk changes, as I've got several ideas for cleanup projects on the wiki.
Ted, could you post a listing of recent development work, and collect status from the developers, so we can see if there's any remaining absolutely must-do tasks before we release?
ACSpike, would you mind doing a first pass at running make distcheck and post to the list what errors there are that we'll need to sort out?
Ryan Lerch, can you give us an update on where things stand for bug triaging, and where other people can get involved?
Scislac, would you be able to run an about screen contest for us again? I figure we can do it just like the 0.45 contest.
Bulia, the Release Notes look like they're in great shape, but you generally have the best eye of any of us on them. Could you identify any major holes we need filled (esp. with names of people we need to get to write stuff up).
ScislaC and Bulia - how do we sit currently respecting tutorials and docs? I think it's too late in the game to start writing any new ones, but if there's high priority stuff that absolutely must get done, we should list it out now and make sure we've got people to tackle them.
Finally, if anyone has questions or concerns of anything that needs to be handled or accounted for during this release, or wishes to help out directly in the release process, this is the time to speak up. Let me know of any release issues and I'll help make sure they get straightened out.
On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 10:56:46AM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Hi all,
Now that GSoC projects are finished and the code has had time to stabilize, it seems a good time to get the 0.46 release moving ahead. With Gutsy released, I finally have some time to contribute towards Inkscape release work, and will help try to get efforts organized.
I'd like to propose the following release plan, based roughly on the 0.45 plan. Let me know if there's anything missing.
Open development.
Chill. Development focuses on wrapping up. Identify 'make distcheck' issues Triage bug reports Run an About Screen contest First draft of Release Notes. Update tutorials and other docs
Frost. Most development complete. Release Notes should be >90% filled in. Bug Hunt: 500 points Post inkscape-0.46-alpha.tar.gz
Feature Freeze. No further development work. Disable features that can't be finished in time Focus on critical bug fixing. Finalize all tutorials, docs, etc. Finalize all extensions Translators create translations. Inkscape must pass 'make distcheck' Post inkscape-0.46-beta.tar.gz
Hard freeze. Only release wardens can commit to mainline. No further string changes Focus on release-critical bug fixing. Finalize translations, release notes, etc. Packagers test creating pkgs of the -beta release Post inkscape-0.46-rc1.tar.gz
Branch. Establish the Stable Branch for release Complete any late-late-late work. Final verification of packaging, release notes, docs, etc. Publish more release candidates until ready for release. Plan 0.46.1+ release(s), if needed
Release. Post inkscape-0.46.tar.gz Post packages Post official announcements
Open development.
I'm sort of thinking for this release we ought to plan on establishing a stable branch much earlier than we've done before, and maintain split devel / stable branches for a bit (maybe a couple months). I think that'd allow us to spend much more time than usual getting things release-worthy, without too heavily impacting people who wish to keep doing development work.
We'll have a bunch of interesting random tasks (mostly non-coding) to do to get the release polished up and ready to go. Are you interested in participating in the release team? Let me know!