On Sat, 2007-02-17 at 13:25 -0600, Aaron Spike wrote:
Ted Gould wrote:
-- Better bitmap insertion. Basically getting things like DPI information out of bitmaps and having that "just work" for most people. I'd also be nice to integrate a base64 encoder on the load function to embed images on load also. Lastly, I think we should have some way to set up a clipping path on images that have full transparency. This might be an extension though.
Part one is a great idea. Is it enough work for SoC? And could you offer more detailed explaination of part 2 there? clipping? transparency?
Hmm, I'm trying to think of it now, but it seemed like a really good idea at the time. I was thinking that it would change the way filters get applied to it, as the actual "edge" wouldn't include the transparent areas -- but I can't think of a filter now that would make a difference either way...
I'm not sure if it is a full project yet, but I'm sure someone on this mailing list has more ideas to put in this bucket ;)
-- Imagemagick bitmap operations. I still really like this one, I think that people got confused last year thinking I wanted to convert vector-to-raster and then do an operation on it. No, really, I want to only have operations on things that are already bitmaps. This way you can do the simple bitmap stuff without using The GIMP.
I think it would be majorly cooler to have right click "edit in gimp" and use Verse for realtime updates in inkscape. But since that hasn't caught on, I think we should push for integrating gegl rather than imagemagick. gegl might be able to offer us things like rendering for svg filters and such too.
Honestly, I really don't want to be the people pushing GEGL. When GIMP releases a version that gets into distros, then I'm excited about using it. But, until then, I'll wait. GEGL has been on the "it'll be done any moment now" list for too long to make plans around (I do know it is looking better as of late, but I'm still interested in waiting)
I kinda have the same feeling about Verve. When we met the guy doing it at SIGGraph last year he seemed, well, very ambitious about everything it'll do. He didn't specifically mention making toast, but I believe that's just because we didn't talk long enough. I haven't looked at that since though. Have the restricted the scope and released something stable?
Seriously, I'm not trying to be a buzz kill here, but I'm just not interested in riding the cool new thing. I think it's a true shame that Miklos spent more time on fixing Cairo PDF than working in Inkscape. (not that there is a problem with Cairo, but I thought that was going to be the "easy part" of the project).