On Saturday 17 February 2007 18:28:05 Jon A. Cruz wrote:
On Feb 16, 2007, at 8:15 AM, Vladimir Savic wrote:
- IMHO, layer options at status bar are outdated with perfectly
useful layers dialog
Well... IMHO the status bar layer stuff is very good and useful. I'm using it all the time, and I'm the guy who coded up the actual layers dialog. It actually gives good status info on the layers of items as you select them. Thus I think it's still very appropriate for the status bar.
After a second thought, I must agree with you! For a full usefulness all we need there is "hide everything but active layer" button.
I'll be attacking the toolbars first, then moving on to other things for dynamic layout and use efficiency. So the sort of feedback you're giving is very useful.
No, thank you.
I appreciate your attention. Really.
I will be there when things start to happen. Believe me; I need this app for my graphic design studies. I gave a promise to myself that I'll use only FOSS to finish school jobs, and I intend to do so, really. And I have a lot of experience with commertial products (Adobe suite - 5+ years -- as of Photoshop 10+ probably, Corel - 10+ years Draw/Xara and Macromedia (2-3 years). ...and some rusty c++ coding skills (right now those fell down at the level of reading code, but I understand some basics of Inkscape internals).
I'll be glad/willing to help.