On Jun 27, 2008, at 12:08 AM, jiho wrote:

It has always worked for me too, on 10.4 and 10.5. There were similar

bug reports, for French particularly, on a french forum, but I ended

up marking them as invalid since they worked for me and no one

answered my request for details on those.

Hope you can track the problem better this time.

yes. it will be good to track. At least now I finally managed to see something other than English.

Now... one other thing I see is that when I right-click on the modified .app and do "Get Info", there are entries under the "Languages:" drop down that correspond 1:1 with the blank folders I've created.

If I uncheck one of those listed languages, inside of the Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources folder the corresponding .lproj file gets moved from "Resources" to "Resources Disabled". And re-checking them moves them back.