Hello all,
I've arranged to hold a discussion with the Inkscape Hackfest team in Toronto this week about accessibility issues and SVG in general or Inkscape in particular.
There are really two sides of accessibility when it comes to software like Inkscape:
- making the software itself more accessible (e.g., can it be easier to navigate, or to change the UI styling to create high contrast or larger fonts/icons)
- making it easier for Inkscape users to make accessible SVG (e.g., encouraging the inclusion of alt text, language attributes, ARIA attributes for interactive components, logical groupings/ordering of all objects and text)
I was going to add some more notes to the agenda page for the Hackfest, but discovered the wiki is locked down against spammers.
So, a quick request to those who hold the keys to the wiki to send me a log-in invite.
For anyone else, if you have any thoughts on what is or isn't good or bad about accessibility issues and Inkscape, consider this a brainstorm email thread. I'll then try to compile the ideas from here and from the in-person discussion into a focused wiki page. Hopefully we can come up with a list of To-Dos, at least some of which might be classified as low-hanging fruit that can easily be picked.
Best, Amelia Bellamy-Royds