let's unblock it! SourceForge Removes Blanket Blockinghttp://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/02/08/1620238/SourceForge-Removes-Blanket-Blocking on Monday February 08, @12:12PM Posted by ScuttleMonkey http://slashdot.org/%7EScuttleMonkey/ on Monday February 08, @12:12PM from the power-to-the-people dept. government http://slashdot.org/index2.pl?fhfilter=government Recently there was much gnashing of teeth as SourceForge (who shares a corporate overlord with Slashdot) started programmatically blocking users in certain countrieshttp://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/01/25/1854241/SourceForge-Clarifies-Denial-of-Site-Accessto comply with US export restrictions. Thankfully they didn't let it end there and have found a way to put the power back in the hands of the usershttp://ow.ly/14U1k. *"Beginning now, every project admin can click on Develop -> Project Admin -> Project Settings to find a new section called Export Control. By default, we've ticked the more restrictive setting. If you conclude that your project is *not* subject to export regulations, or any other related prohibitions, you may now tick the other check mark and click Update. After that, all users will be able to download your project files as they did before last month's change."*