On Sep 12, 2007, at 11:05 AM, Ted Gould wrote:

Basically, I think the usage of them is pretty arbitrary.  I try to

provide some guidance of how I'm splitting inside and outside.  I think

in this file it was "inside Inkscape".

Yes, a bit.

I think that '<' '>' is for "system" includes, such as libraries. On certain platforms such as Netware, that was a lot clearer.  :-)

I was thinking one rule of thumb was that if the .h comes from an installed .rpm or .deb on the system, then we go for '<'.

So I was thinking the subtle strangeness is a bit more of "system" vs "user" as opposed to "inside app" vs "outside app"

LCMS, for example, qualifies for angle brackets. Then again, some of the code of libs we've included in our source tree might qualify also.
