yes, it works!
Thanks for your fix :-D

I will commit it

PS: but feDisplacementMap still has some artifacts on the right and bottom edges. I don't know exactly why.

On Feb 7, 2008 8:03 AM, jf barraud <jf.barraud@...400...> wrote:
Hi all!

Atm, feDisplacementmap output depends on zoom factor (see here).
I had a look at the code to try to fix this, but I need someone to validate the code.
Precise meaning of area, unit transforms, and particulraily of the function "enlarge_area" are not perfectly clear to me.

The modifs are all in nr-filter-displacement-map.cpp.
I just changed "scale" with "scalex" and "scaley" defined as:

    Matrix trans = units.get_matrix_primitiveunits2pb();
    double scalex = scale*trans.expansionX();
    double scaley = scale*trans.expansionY();

where apparently appropriate (in the render() and enlarge_area() methods), but I would feel more confortable if someone having a better understanding of the code could check if this is correct or if other changes are needed elsewhere...


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