On 7/28/05, Alan Horkan <horkana@...44...> wrote:
The edit menu has a massive twenty one, count 'em 21 items.
I have a feeling everyone is looking at me. Hey guys, I think I already explained it: menus (top menus and right-click menu) are NOT my domain. I'm just not interested in them because I don't use them. EVERYONE is welcome to come and rearrange them in any way imaginable. Hey, rearranging top menu items is as easy as rearranging single lines in interface.cpp. Where are your patches?
Inkscape Preferences dialog is a candidate for the User Interface Hall of shame.
What is BY FAR most important to _me_ is that all options have meaningful descriptions and tooltips, and on copyediting them I spend a lot of my time. The rest (what? pretty icons? anyway, whatever you like) can be handled by anyone who's motivated to do it.
I am sorry to say I am dissapointed by Inkscape 0.42 which in some ways has taken steps backward in terms of usability
Such as? Please be specific.