W dniu 6 kwietnia 2010 15:33 użytkownik bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> napisał:
This sounds inevitable, but rather hairy. Why have both inkscape:version and inkscape:document-version? Can you get what you need with inkscape:version only?
1. Document version changes must be atomic, because the upgrade is conducted only one time for each type of defect. This means inkscape:document-version (or inkscape:document-format) can change several times between two releases.
2. As a result of 1, I would have to parse out the Bazaar revision from inkscape:version, which is a pain, and introduces a long-distance dependency I would be *very* uncomfortable with: essentially, the correct interpretation of old documents depends on the format of the Bazaar revision string, which is determined by the build system. If someone decides to change how inkscape:version looks later, things will unexpectedly fail in really strange ways.
I recognize that introducing the backwards compatibility mechanism hastily and so late in the release cycle is a bad idea. I also believe this is the only way to really fix the remaining desktop coordinate system bugs. Therefore I must revert the coordinate system fixes :(. We'll look at this again after 0.48 is released.
The fixes will remain available in lp:~inkscape.dev/inkscape/coords-fix in case someone wants to work on them.
Regards, Krzysztof