On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 8:10 AM, Jasper van de Gronde <th.v.d.gronde@...528...> wrote:
On 01-08-11 18:47, Krzysztof KosiĆski wrote:
2011/8/1 Jasper van de Gronde <th.v.d.gronde@...528...>: Go for a multicore machine with at least 4GB of RAM. I have Intel Core i7-920, from the low end of the i7 family, 6GB RAM and a standard HDD, and a clean build with make -j8 takes only a few minutes. Most of the time on small rebuilds (e.g. a few files changed) is actually spent processing the Autotools cruft in makefiles, and linking is a close second.
I'm now trying to find a quad core laptop (a desktop machine isn't really an option for me at the moment) that isn't too heavy, apparently a tricky combination, so I'll probably have to compromise somewhere.
Again, if compiling in Windows, at least for the time being if using btool, it's going to be a wait. I would consider dual booting if you're wanting to make changes and check right away to see if all works as expected. If you can splurge for an i7, you really should go for it (to get 8 threads going at once). Also, if you can get a smoking deal on a laptop that supports ddr3, if it doesn't come with a ton of ram, you can get it for dirt cheap these days (I've seen 8gigs of ddr3 laptop ram go for $55 recently).
Cheers, Josh