On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:04 PM, Keith <wahooney@...400...> wrote:
My tool creates a GrayMap when the mouse button is pressed, updates it as the mouse is moved then processes and destroys it when the mouse button is released. I need to be able to show the GrayMap, any other kind of bitmap will do, on the canvas and then hide it when not used.
I'm afraid we don't have a CanvasItem that would display bitmaps, at this time. We have them for paths, rects, filled quadrilaterals, and small things like handles or controls of various shapes, but not for bitmaps. If your helper display really requires bitmaps, I think you will need to create a new kind of canvas item for that. You can take e.g. the sp-ctrquadr as the canvas item boilerplate and use the image displaying code from the image arena item in nr-arena-image.