On Dec 14, 2010, at 11:16 AM, Krzysztof Kosiński wrote:
W dniu 14 grudnia 2010 17:10 użytkownik
[3] IMHO it is crucial to make this configurable, else Inkscape will shut out major user groups (technical drawings, diagrams / function plots for scientific publications, possibly font design, etc.), which haven't been vocal in the recent discussions because they are not aware of planned changes to just switch the coordinate system (to accommodate the (IMHO) more vocal web design community).
I'm not 100% sure about making this configurable. The first step would be to make the UI coord system match the document coord system; then we can make improvements in configurability.
As for function plotting, I don't think anyone is going to manually input points using document coordinates, they are going to define a transform which establishes the coordinate system of their choice. There's also the function plotter extension.
I don't know enough about font design or technical drawings to say whether the coord system change would have a big negative impact.
I think we need to do an overall cleanup that clarifies what are UI coords, which are document coords, etc. The cleaner we can make this, the easier it will be to maintain and expand upon.
I definitely seen the need for a standard doc-to-ui transform that is configurable and dynamic. Among other things this will make it easy to have the document rotate as the ring on a wacom tablet is 'turned'. That's a very common bit of functionality that really helps artists.