just wondering if I should file a bug, or if it's so simple that I don't need to. Especially in the guides and the positioning dialog it would be helpful to be able to put mathimatical stuff in there. Imagine you have a guide at 45.6 and want one 7 mm further to the right, you'd just type 45.6+7 and there you go... even more important is something like dividing by 2 or 3, I need that quite often.
Btw: Since my laptop was for repair, I used CorelDraw, and I think for basic vector editing and layouting inkscape is by now better than Corel. That is something!
Which also brings me to one other thing I'm missing: Baseline Grid. Even for simple flyers and brochures it's nice (or rather necessary) to have. CorelDraw just pissed me of for not having it!
I got my laptop back, with working ethernet card, Yeah!! Take care!