As I have some time until July for "doing nothing" a few hours a day
, I'd like to volunteer for doing something, ie. Inkscape things. I'm learning C++ currently (Stroustrup's book). I use Ubuntu Linux on
and did quite some programming using Python and PyGTK in the last few months.
Given that I'm just beginning learning C & C++ as well, would anyone recommend this book or any others? Currently I've just used some online reference.
What is needed / do you use aside from cvs, g++ and a text editor?
what text editor, as I used Emacs, tried Vim, and use gedit currently. No flamewars please, I'm glad there are so few of them here :o) , just "I use editor foo (because ...)".)
At home on Ubuntu, I also use Gedit... Emacs shortcuts are a little out there in my opinion and gedit is just more inline with the behavior of all of the dos/win32 text editors I've used. Oh, and at work on Win32 I use Notepad++ (and WinMerge to compare files) which I highly recommend both.
Do you use Valgrind, any test suites, gdb / ddd ... ? Where do I
to learn how to use them?
I know that we do use gdb, but other than running a simple backtrace, I'd love to know more as well.
I also wonder about more exotic things - do you print out code you
for review (my printer doesn't work atm), do sports, drink coffee (I'm not going to do that, just wondering), gather regularly on Jabber - anything that might be of interest in terms of a programmer's life and how to get / remain productive.
Having IBS, I used to print out extremely complex PHP & CSS that I used to write for review purposes... since I have more reading time than most. It was okay, but less productive than editing on the fly at the computer.
I'd say that most devs are on jabber daily and otherwise there a few of the devs that come to the channel at least once every few days.
Sorry I didn't have much to comment on, but I'm pretty much in the same boat, so I hope that people reply to the list and not directly to you. ;)