Hello, I hope this list is the correct one for this kind of question: Has anyone managed to get http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/PythonEffectTutorial to work without major changes? It failed for me both on a gentoo system and on a pretty vanilla Ubuntu 8.04 box. I don't know if I will find the time to edit the wiki page according to the current lxml behaviour, but I might give it a try. Additionally Ishmal(I think) said on irc/jabber that lxml might not be used in the future anymore anyway.
Now for the list of problems I encountered: * Simply making the file executable and putting it into ~/.inkscape/extensions/ is not sufficient, it won't find inkex there, but no problem, simply add import sys sys.path.append('/usr/share/inkscape/extensions') # or another path, as appropriate for your installation to the top of it. A minor problem. * All the getElementsByTagName, getAttribute, createElement,... methods are unknown to lxml, at least in the versions here (1.3.6). Inkscape returns the python error message ending with: File "/home/dhornun/.inkscape/extensions/helloworld.py", line 32, in effect svg = self.document.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0] AttributeError: 'etree._ElementTree' object has no attribute 'getElementsByTagName' If this is not a problem on the distributions' side, those can probably be fixed by adapting the code to reflect lxml's current API.
Thank you very much for any useful advice! Daniel