Hello, the new Document Preferences Dialog is now default in CVS. Please report any bugs you might find, and that are not mentioned here. Changes /wrt the old versions include:
- included Carl's new snapping widgets by collecting everything snapping related on ond page - Grid and Guide widgets are on the same page - metadata widgets are spread over two pages, making the dialog height smaller - fixed 1366507 - grayed out license URI has too low contrast --> no longer grayed - fixed 1366504 - proprietary license should clean license uri - fixed 1357224 - no spinbutton tooltips - fixed 1232941 - minor grid quirks - implemented 1251393 (rfe) - canvas color should ignore bkg alpha value - dramatic reduction of code size due to usage of widget objects - used widget objects should be reusable by other dialogs, too - much more readable code; thus, less comments.
still todo, but will be done before 0.44:
- 1370648 - save as LGPL license not possible. huh? lgpl? ==> will remove LGPL from list - color picker windows don't close/hide together with doc prefs - on activedoc changed - set better DEFAULTS for grid + snapping
Also, I would appreciate help on issues that apparently affect only the Win32 version:
win: "dialog expands on startup" win: "license combo very wide"
best ralf