You probably noticed my post http://www.nabble.com/PDF-import-in-0.46-Ubuntu-build-td14704404.html here , but I'll refer to it to make sure you did.
No PDF import at all on ubuntu Gutsy 0.46 deb you put up, even with all suggested packages and libcairo2-1.5.4-xxx installed.
I mainly use Windows XP and have never had a problem with import, apart from text boxes flipping upside down after using the Open command, but this does not occur with the Import command. I have filed a bug report.
PDF export has come and gone over the past few dev releases, but I have noticed less crashes and significantly smaller file output when it works. Haven't managed to export a PDF with a gradient yet.
Bryce Harrington-3 wrote:
I am trying to test out the new PDF capabilities for Inkscape, as they're perhaps one of our most significant new features. Unfortunately, I'm not having luck getting PDF import working...