15 Jan
15 Jan
10:30 a.m.
I have just added event attributes (onclick, onmouseover, etc) to the object properties dialog.
it is working nice for Inkscape SVG but not for Plain SVG. how do I preserve these attributes in plain SVG also?
Also I am unsure about the usage of onload attribute but I have put it there since it is defined in the spec.
commit log:
added interactivity attributes to the object properties dialog. If you want to test it, create a new document, draw something, select it, ctrl+shift+O, expand the Interactivity expander and set: onclick to window.location="http://xkcd.com" onmouseover to this.style.cursor="pointer"
Save as Inkscape SVG (currently not working for Plain SVG) then open this SVG file in Firefox to see the result.