On 8 déc. 05, at 11:53, Mathieu Dimanche wrote:
For developpers now :
The errors reported when the import does not work is really not user friendly When sketch isn't installed, the only thing inkscape tells us is that the tempfile /tmp/XXXXXXsdfgjndrg.svg is not found
Could someone look to change the *.inx files to require a _working_ version of sketch and no only the skconvert utility ? Is it hard to do ?
the other solution would be to drop the sk conversion. indeed pstoedit is capable of producing svg from eps and ps with the plot- svg backend. but it seems that plot-svg isn't available everywhere. I was supposed to look a little in this problem but haven't had the time to do it. what I can say is that plot-svg is available in: - pstoedit version 3.40 / DLL interface 108 (build Oct 10 2005 : fink package for OS X - pstoedit version 3.33 / DLL interface 108 (build Jul 29 2004 : debian sarge package. if it is on a stable debian I guess that it is probably available in nearly every distro now. so maybe the inx files could be changed. this works for me:
ps_input.inx: ---------------------------------------- <inkscape-extension> <_name>Postscript Input</_name> <id>org.inkscape.input.ps</id> <dependency type="executable">pstoedit</dependency> <input> <extension>.ps</extension> <mimetype>image/x-postscript</mimetype> <_filetypename>Postscript (*.ps)</_filetypename> <_filetypetooltip>Postscript</_filetypetooltip> <output_extension>org.inkscape.output.ps</output_extension> </input> <script> <command reldir="path">pstoedit -f plot-svg</command> </script> </inkscape-extension> --------------------------------------
and maybe: eps_input.inx -------------------------------------- <inkscape-extension> <_name>EPS Input</_name> <id>org.inkscape.input.eps</id> <dependency type="executable">pstoedit</dependency> <input> <extension>.eps</extension> <mimetype>image/x-encapsulated-postscript</mimetype> <_filetypename>Encapsulated Postscript (*.eps)</_filetypename> <_filetypetooltip>Encapsulated Postscript</_filetypetooltip> <output_extension>org.inkscape.output.eps</output_extension> </input> <script> <command reldir="path">pstoedit -f plot-svg</command> </script> </inkscape-extension> -------------------------------------- though current eps_input.inx works also.
this leads to perfect looking svg files. the only problem is with editing these files as explained here: http://wiki.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?XML_Repair in the example files section. The simple workaround is to copy paste the entire graphics in a new file.
JiHO --- Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau : a chaque nouvelle cuvee on sait que ce sera degueulasse, mais on en prend quand meme par masochisme. --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/