Hi all,
Yes I'm still here looking the code :-)
What I want (apart from a working barcode plugin and clear image import options) is node labels.
Currently when you select and drag nodes you have '0' information about what your doing to the node, what the node is ect ect.
The first thing would be to add this information to the status bar, size of lines on either side of the node, angle of node, position on page ect ect.
The second would be to have a view option which shows the above information as little labels that appear when you begin a drag operation. so next to the lines that the node effects would be size and curve information, a label near the node would tell you it's position and angle (maybe with on of those arcs to show what it is), now I know this is not useful to artist types because they don't so much design as just draw, but for creating regular complex shapes this information would be invaluable and having it near the object while the operation is being carried out would make it easy to understand as well as being closer to your eye.
What do you all think of this idea?
Best Regards, Martin Owens